Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

United Methodist Church Global Mission:
to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Chapman United Methodist Church Mission:
Love. grow, and serve through faith.

The Vision

Here at Chapman United Methodist Church, we believe that every single person on this earth is loved by God and is redeemable by the grace that was revealed through Jesus Christ. We envision a community in which we see the best in each other, where all people are accepted, supported, and encouraged by the church as they seek the Holy Spirit and allow the spirit to change them from the inside out. Join us as we learn to love and grow so that we may serve.

How do we love, grow, and serve?

Secret Prayer Partners

To love each other and encourage growth, we host a secret prayer partner program. Each participant is matched with another who will anonymously pray for and send cards/gifts to them all year long. At the end of the year, we throw a "reveal party," where each participant learns who has been praying for them.

Blessing Box

One of the ways we love and serve our neighbors is through our blessing box. This box is stocked with non-perishable food, household cleaners, and personal hygiene items that are available 24/7 to any of our neighbors who are in need of a blessing.

Sharing Library

Our sharing library is a place where community members of all ages can find a new book to read or leave a completed book for someone else to find. We encourage all in our community to use the sharing library and hope it brings about growth, as well as some fun!

Monthly Missions

Each month, our Missions Committee organizes a project benefitting a different local charity. In any given month, we may rally together to raise funds for a community cancer fund, shop for Christmas gifts for local families, collect hygiene items to donate to schools in our area, etc.